Monthly Archives: March 2011

Ad*Access – Duke Libraries

Ad*Access from the Duke University Libraries provides access to over 7,000 U.S. and Canadian advertisements covering five product categories – Beauty and Hygiene, Radio, Television, Transportation, and World War II propaganda – dated between 1911 and 1955.


Confusing Words

Confusing Words is a helpful website that explains the proper usage of words that people tend to have trouble with. The words are grouped according to how they are commonly misused such as when to use lay or lie or when to use they’re, their or there. There are over 3210 confusing words explained and suggestions for additional words are accepted.

Map of Emergency Events

RSOE EDIS has put together an interactive alert map, based on data from Google Maps, that displays current worldwide emergency events.  Emergency events include rail and plane accidents, floods, illness outbreaks, earthquakes and tsunamis, and nuclear events.


Middle East Protests: Country by Country

This is a neat interactive map of the Middle East from BBC News. When you click on a Middle Eastern country you are given information about the unrest and protests in that country.
